Why use a Licensed Professional Engineer
Professional Engineer & Home Inspector Comparison
How much time is required to obtain a license in each category?
Professional Engineer - 8 years
4 years for a Bachelor’s in Engineering
4 years of related work experience
Home Inspector - 140 hours
100 hours of class
40 hours of related work experience
Can conduct home inspections?
Professional Engineer - Yes
Home Inspector - Yes
Can perform engineering?
Professional Engineer - Yes
Home Inspector - No
Can perform structural Windstorm Inspections for New York Property Insurance Underwriters Association (NYPIUA)
Professional Engineer - Yes
Home Inspector - No
Can stamp off the required paperwork for municipal approval on house extensions, decks, etc
Professional Engineer - Yes
Home Inspector - No
Can perform inspections for banks and mortgage companies to analyze a house structure after a home inspector cited potential structural defects "that should be evaluated by a PE".
Professional Engineer - Yes
Home Inspector - No
According the above examples, Banks, NYS Insurance company, and municipalities will accept an inspection of a home from a Licensed Professional Engineer (PE) but not that of a Licensed Home Inspector.
Those who have done research, will choose an licensed Professional Engineer (PE) over a Home inspector.